Sweet and fluffy skiing @ Mont Orford – January 26th 2025

A return to the Eastern Townships, with a stop at Mont Orford for this final day of the week-end. Another wonderful day out in the snow !

I was a little « jealous » about my colleague Valerie Daumais’ last visit here on Friday, as she enjoyed fresh snow… Well, not anymore, as I also enjoyed skiing in fresh fluffy snow. 8 cm accumulated overnight, en route for some sweet and soft turns this monrning !

The snow continued to fall all day, until mid afternoon. Surprisingly, very little attendance at the resort. Of course, early this morning, the roads were pretty slick. Could this explain that ? Not going to complain…

Pick your choice, pretty much all the terrain is accessible. 100 % is advertised, but I saw a few ropes at the entrance of 3 or 4 woods trails. The other woods I tried are in very good shape. Of course, as they have been visited quite a bit, so precaution is the key, as some areas showed thin coverage. But overall, fun to venture into.

With about minus -3 / minus -4 degrees, a little bit cooler at the summit, great skiing and riding on the slopes, pretty much every turn was easy in this fresh dry white stuff !

Only a few on the « minus side », for the cloudy skies at the summit of the Orford verse. But nothing too serious, and after a few turns, visibility becomes good again.

Winter scenery in full force, here a glimpse of the Grande Coulée run.

Today’s Trail of the Day: the « Sherbrooke » on the Giroux Est side. Bonus points for the sun that showed up for a short period.

In fact, by mid-afternoon, sun was coming back, slowly but surely, giving this particular scene, as you could litterally see the clouds give way.

For those taking their Monday off, weatherwise, you’ll be well rewarded, as the thermometer will rise up to minus -1, and for the first 3 days, so about until Wedenesday, forecasts are calling for a bit of snow every day to enjoy.

Next week-end, Blizzard manufacturer will offer to test their new products. Have a great week !