Sunday Frosty Sunday at Mont Orford

Not quite the temperature to build a snowman today … As I saw one of my colleague’s report from his visit here yesterday, when he was indicating some measurable new snow accumulated here at Orford in the past days, I had to head out and see for myself…

Indeed, fesh snow present, and more. Yup, 9 new cms. overnight. Hot shots, heated socks or heated soles, or both, or all…, take your pick, as those were a must today, with the thermometer showing minus -15 at the base, before wind chill factor that is… No wonder everything was frosted white at the summit !

Easy turns in this fresh snow, helped manage the cold. Or, at least, gave some « reward » for those braving it. New trails have been recently added for a total of 29 open spread on Orford, one of the « Giroux », and Alfred-Desrochers sides. Not quite enough coverage to freely venture in the woods yet by reason of still thin coverage, but, ti,e will soon come…My trail of the day, (again) the « Trois Ruisseaux », now open from top to bottom.

A visit from the people at Volkl offering to test their skis. Stay tuned, January 18th, Atomic will be visiting to offer a demo of their product. Always fun to try different equipment before purchase.

Stepping, or I should say, « skiing » away from the wind and cold, a trip to one of the « Giroux » sides. No age, and no caliber are perfect. There is always room for improving your technique. Even the instructors need some refreshing of their skills.

In store for tomorrow, much like today. On the cold side, with a max at minus -13, but… this week should be fruitful, as more snow will accumulate major part of the week. So far, forecasters are calling for some white Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, with a few every day (they say some days we should get up to 5 or 6 cms..). It will surely give us great conditions for next week-end !