At last, long awaited sunny day, temperature just a few digits below 0, fresh new snow (8 cm. in the past 48 hours), and, barely a few minutes waiting to go back up, everything was in place for a great week-end ay out on the slopes !
It’s not a secret anymore, Owl’s Head offers superb views of the majestic Lake Memphrémagog. For my first runs, I head directly over to lakeside trails, via the popular Lilly’ Leap,
The Lakeview trail has not beeen visited too much at this time, and it’s in great shape, still lots of fresh snow.
I was told it did rain a little over here too last Thursday, but some fresh snow right after improved the conditions. It is a good idea to have those edges sharpened, as the bases have become harder, and you will encounter some icy spots as the day goes by, with the skier traffic.
So, despite Thursday’s little rain episode (far more less than Montreal’s pouring), conditions here are very good on the groomed trails, some thin coverage in ungroomed and natural snow trails.
100 % of the terrain is open for you. Heading back near the main base area, going through the Standard trail for a little more challenging terrain.
Here it is, once again…
With such comfortable temperature, what’s best than lunchtime outside and catching some rays in the process !
A little visit to the Centennial trail after lunch. First, a pause to contemplate the view offered with such clear skies, with Vermont’s Jay Peak mountain in the back.
Lots of activities happening here next week-end. On Saturday, February 18th, the Illusion Owl’s Head Shred will be held. It’s an open competition for the tricksters and Park lovers, fun and cash prizes to win. Also on the 18th, the Chiropractic tour makes a stop here, with special Host, our own Mario Daniel !
Come and gather information and advice on fitness, safety and other health issues… and a chance to win prizes and a grand prize credit on your next ski trip, from Gendron Tours. It’s all happening here February 18th.
Tomorrow should be another great day here, just before getting ready for the Super Bowl. Forecasters are calling for a mix of sun and clouds, with temperatures rising above 0, with a maximum of + 2 degrees celsius.