Our European escapade continues and we are now in St-Moritz for a few days of skiing that promise to be simply incredible. St-Moritz ‘s reputation is well established. Olympic city (1928 and 1948) and popular site of several film shoots, it is the dream place for the Swiss to come...
Bonjour depuis la Suisse 🇨🇭, Notre escapade européenne se poursuit et c’est maintenant à St-Moritz que nous nous trouvons pour ...
Hello everyone, After a few days in the same place we are starting to find our marks, and especially to ...
Hello from Kitzbühel! For this new day at the resort we have chosen to change our methods a little. Still ...
Hello from Austria, Kitzbühel is such a big resort that a week probably won’t be enough to see it all. ...
Hello to all Canada! We are in Kitzbühel today for our first day in this mythical resort for our Canadians ...
Hello from Europe! It is more precisely from the heart of Austria that we are writing to you this morning ...
Hello from Austria, Still from Innsbruck where we are for a few days of skiing and cultural visits, we are ...
Bonjour à tous, Au bout de quelques journées au même endroit nous commençons à trouver nos marques, et surtout à ...
Bonjour depuis Kitzbühel! Pour cette nouvelle journée à la station nous avons choisi de changer un peu nos méthodes. Toujours ...